Sunday, July 26, 2009

Youth Conference Nauvoo IL July 2009

We had three days full of learning about Joseph Smith's life and the early Saints who sacrificed so much to help restore the gospel for all of Heavenly Fathers children. Our experiences will last us for a life time. Our testimonies were strengthened and the spirit that fills the sacred places there is hard to describe in words. We are so grateful to our Savior and Heavenly Father for the opportunity that was ours to visit Nauvoo. Our love for each other was also strengthened and we are all proud to call each other SISTERS
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Lauren said...

OMYHECK Sis.Nielsen!!!! You are amazing!!! All the pics are GREAT & you do SUCH a GREAT job on the blog!! I LOVE YOU!! Lauren

Lauren said...

We need to get some more girls commenting on this blog!!! LOL...